Many property & casualty insurance industry producers have a similar compensation package from their employers--the corporate model. This may leave top producers feeling trapped in a position with...
Many property & casualty insurance industry producers have a similar compensation package from their employers--the corporate model. This may leave top producers feeling trapped in a position with...
August 7, 2016
Corporate culture and employee well-being are of growing importance for organizations according to recent research. University of Warwick researchers recently tested the theory that happiness relates ...
July 8, 2016
Insurance industry producer opportunities are searched for daily on the internet. Why? Because, as a rule, producers are highly motivated to succeed and want to be in charge of their future. Not only ...
Rough Notes magazine's recent article on "The Impact of Large Buyers on Agency Acquisition" takes an interesting look at what buyers should consider before selling their agency. This piece is further ...
May 27, 2016
Three Big Changes Happening Now Your company is set to say goodbye to a quarter of its employees in the next few years. According to McKinsey & Co., as many as 25% of the most experienced people a...
Inforum, sponsored by Insurance Office of America (IOA), is a community focused on providing education, information, and insights for top P&C and employee benefits producers in the insurance industry. Most industry information is targeted to the agency owner. Inforum is dedicated to expanding the knowledge of producers so they can realize increased success in today's competitive market.
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